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All Island School Statistics Competition - 2024

       All Island School Statistics Competition - 2024

IASSL is organizing the 11th National Statistics Olympiad in December 2024 with the aim of popularizing statistics among school and university students across the country. To select school students for the Olympiad, IASSL intends to first  conduct the All-Island School Statistics Competition for the first time this year. The said All-Island School Statistics Competition will be held online using an online proctored platform. Both All-Island School Statistics Competition and National Statistics Olympiad will be free competitions. The aim is to test the statistical literacy within each student population. 

Who can apply:

  • Junior Level: Grade 10, 11 students (Government schools) or Grade 9, 10 Students (International schools).

  • Senior Level: Grade 12, 13 students (Government schools) or Grade 11, 12 students (International schools).

Exam Mode: Online proctored exam

Application Due date: 15th October 2024

Tentative Exam Date: 24th November 2024

Shortlisted Candidates will be directed to the National Statistics Olympiad Competition