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Certificate course on Structural Equation Modelling [SEM] with AMOS and SmartPLS

📚 This course teaches how to utilize AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) and SmartPLS (Smart Partial Least Squares) software for covariance-based and partial least squares in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in research. The workshop will cover selecting the appropriate SEM application (AMOS/ SmartPLS) as well as Explanatory Factor Analysis with SPSS software. All sessions will be held via Zoom.

🖋️To whom: University Undergraduates, Postgraduate Students, Master’s Students, Researchers, Ph.D. Candidates, Data Analysts and Statisticians.

Teacher Of Course
Information Of Course
Duration Time

1. Introduction to the Structural Equation Model (SEM)

· Structural equation modeling

· Latent versus observed variables

· Exogenous versus endogenous variables

· Exploratory versus confirmatory factor analyses

2. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with SPSS

· Choice of variables

· Sample size determination

· Data Screening (Linearity, Outliers, Missing data)

· Exploratory Factor Analysis Appropriate?

· Factor Analysis Model

· Factor Extraction Method and Factors to Retain

· Rotate Factors Interpret Exploratory Factor Analysis Results

· Reporting the Results

3. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with AMOS

· Getting Started with AMOS

· Basic Concepts

· Building SEM using Amos Graphics

· Building SEM using Amos Tables View

· Comparing Results with Regression analysis and Path Analysis

· Basic Composition (Measurement model, Structural model)

· Defining Individual Constructs

· Developing the Overall Measurement Model

· Designing a Study to Produce Empirical Results

· Assessing the Measurement Model Validity

· Specifying the Structural Model

· Assessing Structural Model Validity

· Second order and Higher Order Construct

· Mediation and Moderation testing

4. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with SmartPLS4

· Getting started with SmartPLS4

· Basic Concepts; Convergent and Discriminant Validity

· Measurement Model Analysis and

· Structural Model Analysis and Reporting

· Formative and Reflective Construct

· Higher Order Construct

· Mediation Analysis and Reporting

· Moderation Analysis and Reporting

🕒 Time: to 1.00PM (20hrs)

📅 Workshop Dates: 24th,25th,31st August and 1st September 2024 (4 days)

📌 Resource Person:

Dr. U. S. Thathsarani. Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.

📌Course Fee: LKR. 15,000/ (Payment should be made on or before 23rd August 2024.)

Payment details:

👉Account No: 086100130008638

👉Account Name: Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka

👉Bank & Branch: People's Bank, Thimbirigasyaya.


👉Account No: 003460001586

👉Account Name: Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka.

👉Bank & Branch: Sampath Bank, Thimbirigasyaya.





Course Features

Lessons Of Course